Work in progress
Central banks and the absorption of international shocks (1890-2021), with Eric Monnet and Matthias Morys
A decomposition of the labor share decline in the US business sector, With David Guerreiro
High temperature shocks as supply shocks. Evidence from one century of monthly data, with Jules Baleyte, Eric Monnet and Matthias Morys
Published paper
“Deregulation and Financial Intermediation Cost: An International Comparison”, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, [Forthcoming]
"Labor share, capital share, and rents: a macrohistorical perspective", Handbook of Cliometrics, with David Guerreiro [2024]
“Taming the Global Financial Cycle: Central Banks and the Sterilization of Capital Flows in the First Era of Globalization (1891-1913)”, vol. 82(3), pp 801-839, The Journal of Economic History, with Eric Monnet et Matthias Morys [2022]
“The flexibility of the classical gold standard (1870s–1914)« , pp. 17-30, In Castaneda, Roselli and Wood (eds.) : The Economics of Monetary Unions. Past Experiences and the Eurozone. Routledge. with Eric Monnet and Matthias Morys, [2020]
“Les banques coopératives sont-elles plus résistantes ? Etude comparative des banques coopératives et non coopératives de 2005 à 2014« , Revue d’Economie Financière, vol. 134(2), pp. 157-175, 2019 ; with Esther Jeffers et Ouafa Ouyahia, [2019]
“Financial consumption and cost of finance, measuring financial efficiency in Europe (1950-2007)« , Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 16(1), pp 123-160, 2018, [2018]
“International shocks and the balance sheet of the Bank of France under the classical gold standard« , Explorations in Economic History, vol. 62(3), pp. 87-107 ; with Michael Bordo and Eric Monnet, [2016]
“Local liquidity constraints: what place for central bank local policy? The French experience during the Belle Époque (1880-1913)« , Explorations in Economic History, vol. 52(3), pp. 44-62 [2014]
“Interregional inequalities, convergence and growth in France from 1840 to 1911« , Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 113-114, pp. 309-345 [2014]
L’épouvantail néolibéral, un mal très français. Presse Universitaire de France, 2022. (Prix Turgot, jeune talent, 2023)